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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *Buat
Meaning: flute, pipes
Proto-South Bahnaric: *buǝt, kǝN-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buat
Meaning: feel for fish, pat
Presyllable: #/tǝ-
Proto-North Bahnaric: SED puat.L
Proto-South Bahnaric: *bu:t
Proto-West Bahnaric: *buat, Cǝŋ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buat
Meaning: extend
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *buat, tǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buat
Meaning: extend
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *buat, tǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buǝc / *Bo:c
Meaning: termite mound
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *b[ua]c
Harak: bo:c
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buǝń / *Bu:ŋ
Meaning: gourd
Proto-South Bahnaric: *bu:ń
Proto-West Bahnaric: *bu:ŋ, tǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buh
Meaning: organic fertilizer
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *buh, #/cǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Buj
Meaning: pull out
Proto-North Bahnaric: *buj.L
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bujh / *Bo:jh
Meaning: boil
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-West Bahnaric: *bujh
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *bo:jh
References: TB17.173
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bŭk
Meaning: drown
Proto-South Bahnaric: *buk, #/tǝN-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bŭk
Meaning: moustache, beard
Proto-West Bahnaric: *buk
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bŭŋ
Meaning: spider
Proto-South Bahnaric: *buŋ
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bŭŋ
Meaning: jar, basket
Proto-West Bahnaric: *buŋ
Proto-Bahnaric: *bŭŋ
Meaning: roof
Presyllable: bǝ-
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: bǝbuŋ
Bahnar meaning: roof
Proto-North Bahnaric: REN bǝbuŋ.L
References: SPT
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bŭŋ
Meaning: hold in the mouth
Proto-West Bahnaric: *buŋ, Kǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *bu(:)c
Meaning: uproot
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: bu:c
Bahnar meaning: to pull out (weeds, etc.) çvujʔ uproot çPChamic *buc "uproot, pull out" (TH-312) çcVj cVh ɣsac ɣ*cajh ɣkǝ- ɣsneeze ɣcf. 52 ɣ*cajh.T, kǝ- ɣsneeze ɣPNB-499 ɣkVŋ ʁcarry on a pole ʁ*kɔ:ŋ, cǝN- ʁcarry on one end of a shoulder pole ʁkVŋ ħfoot ħBAH kwa:ŋ E? ħinside part of leg ħtVŋ ̄neck ̄Brao daŋ CHE ̄neck ̄*dɔŋ, CǝN- ̄neck ̄pVt ītɔ:B ī*Bɔ:t īhold in hand īcf. 1318, 1330 ī*bɔ:t, kǝm- īhold in hand īkabɔ:t īclench (the hand) īTB17.30 īpVj pVh ɨsap ɨtǝ- ɨseven ɨcf. 1156 ɨ*pajh.L, tǝ- ɨseven ɨhVl ɨ̄la:h ɨ̄*ha:l ɨ̄bǝr- ɨ̄sweat ɨ̄cf. 309 ɨ̄*ha:l, bǝr- ɨ̄sweat ɨ̄hVt ̊tVh ̊*hot ̊# ̊sip, smoke ̊cf. 351 ̊huɛt E? ̊to lick fingers ̊JEH hut.T ̊to drink ̊STI hot ̊to smoke ̊JS-892, TB9.19 ̊Some forms may be borrowings ̊tVp ̥all ̥dap ̥all ̥hVc ḳall ḳho:c ḳall ḳtVŋ ʎŋǝ:d ʎ*dǝ:ŋ ʎ# ʎbranch, finger ʎdǝ:ŋ ʎbranch ʎTampuon tar dɔ:ŋ branch ʎtVk ƛce:t ƛ*te:c ƛ# ƛlead by rope ƛ*te:k ƛlead by rope ƛcVk ʔuʒ *ʒuʔ # black cf. 64 ʒuʔ black (dog) REN ʒu:ʔ.B black (animal) cVr ƛ̣re:s ƛ̣*se:r ƛ̣kǝ- / hǝ- ƛ̣blow nose ƛ̣cf. 163 ƛ̣*se:r, hǝ- ƛ̣to blow nose ƛ̣kase:r ƛ̣blow (one's nose) ƛ̣TB17.433 ƛ̣forms may be a borrowing from Katuic ƛ̣cVʔ ɫʔaʒ ɫ*ʒaʔ ɫtrample ɫcf. 261 ɫ*ʒaʔ ɫtrample ɫkVl ŁlVk Łput a support under the head Ł*kVl Łput a support under the head ŁlVw ŋwe:l ŋ*le:w ŋbird ŋcf. 815 ŋpǝliɛw, pɔlɛ:w ŋtype of small bird ŋSED pǝlew.T ŋtype of small bird ŋForms may be connected with Katuic. ŋtVŋ ōbig ōMNG dɨŋ ōbig ōFREE öcVŋ ӧ̄burn ӧ̄so:ŋ ӧ̄burn ӧ̄kVʔ ɔdog ɔkɔʔ ɔdog ɔcVk ɔ̄drink ɔ̄chwɔk ɔ̄drink ɔ̄many ṗCHR goʔ ṗmany ṗrVŋ q̇fat q̇JEH pǝdrɛ:ŋ.T q̇fat q̇tVh ß*dʔoh ß# ßgive ßJEH do:h.L ßgive ßVE dʔoh ßgive ßcVw ~green ~si:w ~green ~lVŋ ̀long ̀TEM ʔlɨŋ ̀long ̀lVq ̣*lV ̣# ̣many ̣lǝ ̣many ̣MA1 lu ̣pVk šmany šHRE bǝk šmany šmVn ṭmouth ṭCHR miń ṭmouth ṭJRU tǝma:ŋ ṭmouth ṭcVʔ ̆name ̆cǝnɔʔ ̆name ̆pVq pVj рrain рTAM bʔaj рOy bɨa рbi рcVj cVh сsuac с*co:jh с# сsand сcf. 19 сsand с*cu:jh.T / *co:jh.T сsand с*loʔ тstone т*loʔ тstone тFREE уkVc фsmall фDID ki:t фsmall фJRU ke:c фsmall фʔVq хthat хVE ʔǝj хthat хʔɛ хthat хFREE цʔVr чhot, warm чʔur чwarm чmVl шmountain шJE mu:l.33 mɛ.35 шmountain шpVk щashes щMNG kǝbhɔk щashes щmVh ъ*mih ъʔǝ-/ tǝ- ъbig ъPON ʔmih ъbig ъtǝmih ъbig ъblack ыJE ŋat.35 ka.43 ыblack ыtVŋ ьear ьTAR tu:ŋ ьear ьcVŋ эHAD nʒi:ŋ эfat эrVq юperson юMNO cǝrɔ юperson юmVh яDIP mɔh яname яtVt ɵPON tɛ:t ɵsit ɵnVŋ ūsmall ūPON hnɛŋ ūsmall ūnVŋ üstand üHAD ńɨǝŋ üstand ütVn ǖsit ǖKAD tiǝn ǖsit ǖjVŋ ǝdry ǝTAM sǝʔjaŋ ǝdry ǝcVq ǝ̄what ǝ̄TAR cɛ ǝ̄what ǝ̄tVq ̌what ̌DIP ndǝ ̌what ̌hVq ʷqǝh ʷ*hǝ ʷthin ʷ*hǝ, lǝ- / nǝ- / *haw, lǝ- ʷthin ʷrVp ɦnear ɦ*re:p ɦnear ɦtVc χnear χʔVn ʒnear ʒ*ʔien ʒnear ʒmVn mVc ǯnear ǯ*mǝ:c / *mǝ:ń ǯnear ǯwalk žMNG swaʔ žwalk ž*mVk ʔbig, many ʔ*mVk ʔ*hVʔ ʕthis ʕJe hǝ́ʔ.35 'this' ʕʌǝʔ ʕʌhrau hɛ:ʔ 'this' EE ʕMnong Rolom hɨn 'this' ʕ*hV ʌʒǝ- ʌtree ʌ*hV ʌtree ʌʌcV we *cV ? Stieng ʒu 'we' Chrau hɛ:ʔ 'this' ʕg Rolom hɨn 'that' ʕmouth Mnong Bunong mbu:ŋ *bVŋ ʔVr yellow Mnong Dip nʔe:r *guj / *gu:j Cǝ- sit ʔaŋu:j Ma 1 ʔgu:j, Ma 2 guj, Sre ŋguj, Kaho Chil ŋgu:j, Hre aŋu:j ʔǝkeaʔ hle: chew the cud; Kor-Cua kat 'bite' ?hǝʔ 'that' ʕ*nV this, that nɛʔ 'this' Sre [chi] nɛ 'that' Arak nɛ Ve mǝŋiel *tVʔ many Jru dɨʔ, Je tǝ́ʔ.35 'many' Harak kiat 'bite' ?*jVw many ARAK jɦɨa:w ʔur warm ʔur lVŋ  long  TEMPUAN ʔlɨŋ  ŋVk sit JRU ŋɔ:k *cVk
Kadong nʒɛk, Hadang hnwa:ŋ ʒe:k
*dǝ:ŋ ō# ōSre, Kaho Chil dǝ:ŋ, Ma1 dɨ:ŋ ō
Proto-South Bahnaric: *ruac, bǝ-
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bu:k
Meaning: blanket
Proto-North Bahnaric: *bu:k.L
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bu:k
Meaning: blanket
Proto-North Bahnaric: *bu:k.L
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bŭ(:)n
Meaning: pregnant
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-South Bahnaric: *bun
Proto-Bahnaric: *Bu:r
Meaning: fill in (a hole)
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *bu:r, kǝ-
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